4th Annual TKT Poker Tournament
Sat, Feb 04
|Temple Kol Tikvah
Are you ready for a night out with friends where the end game is playing cards and socializing? Back by popular demand. We're sponsoring a poker night, and anyone over b'nei mitzvah age is welcome. Reserve your seat!

Time & Location
Feb 04, 2023, 5:00 PM – 9:00 PM
Temple Kol Tikvah, 605 South St, Davidson, NC 28036, USA
About the event
The gameplay we follow allows both new and seasoned players to gain experience in a tournament-style event. That
means, unlike home games where you play until you lose all your money or time’s up, this is a chance to win
bragging rights as the TKTPGC! (Temple Kol Tikvah Poker Grand Champion).
You buy-in for $30 and can buy back for the first 90 minutes. After that, we raise the antes and play until
there is one winner. The top 3 finishers get cash prizes (actual amounts will be determined by how many
players participate).
This is for any age or gender past the age of Bar/Bat Mitzvah (Please invite non- congregants to participate).
Guaranteed to be a fun evening. You will be fed tasty food! You will go home happy! Maybe with winnings.
At the very least, this will be no more expensive than going out for an evening. So, everybody wins and can
have a community-wide social time. BYOB to share (we will have a limited supply of beverages).
Ready for some fun? YOU BET. We’re “ALL-IN” to have fun!