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Temple Kol Tikvah offers a number of ways that you can give tzedakah throughout the year; by donating through a number of funds or by purchasing a leaf on our Tree of Life. These donations are tax-deductible and help us to sustain the level of programming and support that the temple extends to its members and the community. We sincerely appreciate the thoughtfulness of those who support our community by remembering and honoring their loved ones and friends through generous contributions.


Thank you for your generous donation. Please contact us if you would like to donate stock. 

                                                                                         General Fund

Provides supplemental resources to support operational and service-related expenditures at the temple.


                                                                                      Restricted Funds

​A number of funds are available for donation to above and beyond your generous membership or voluntary time commitments. These are restricted funds which can only be used for their designated purposes.  

By having these sources of funds available for people to contribute to, there is a perfect choice for tzedakah, and to even designate an honor or a remembrance in someone’s name (in any amount, large or small). Below is a description of the different funds available.  

Rabbi's Discretionary Fund

Part of the charitable funds of the synagogue over which the rabbis have control and is used for purposes that benefit the temple. â€‹

Building Fund

Donations provide additional support toward building maintenance and repair.

​Camp Fund

Contributions directly help our kids get to camp each summer.
Caring Fund

Enables the caring committee to provide assistance to those in our temple family who are in need, a simchah, an illness or loss. 
Flower Fund

For purchase of flowers used during High Holy days. 
Music Fund

To purchase Jewish music or instruments and to pay for professional music services.
Maurice E. Smith Memorial Book & Torah Fund

Contributions to help purchase new prayer books as needed.
Religious School Fund
Directly supports Religious School programming.

​Religious School Scholarship Fund

Provide families with the opportunity to attend religious school. 

Security fund

These funds are used to provide security for significant TKT events and for long term improvements to TKT's security posture which includes hardening the building against attack and protecting staff and members from active shooters and other similar threats.

​Social Action Fund

This fund supports the efforts of the social action committee.
The Michael Bachenheim Torah & Judaica Preservation Fund

Donations to ensure that if needed, any of our torahs can be repaired. 
Worship Fund

Expenditures related to Shabbat & High Holy services. 
Youth Group Fund
Provides resources and support for youth group programs, including need-based subsidies for youth group events.


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