Local Cemeteries
In our effort to provide services and education to meet the many needs of our diverse community, Temple Kol Tikvah of Lake Norman offers this information to assist when addressing a very difficult time - the end of life.
Given the enormous growth of our region, it is comforting to know there are now options in our local area for us to consider when we look to fulfill the time-honored rituals of Jewish Burial Rites.
Rabbi Becca Diamond & Rabbi David Jaffe of Temple Kol Tikvah are always available to assist, guide and advise as you encounter and address this life cycle event.

Northlake Memorial Gardens

NorthLake Memorial Gardens is a 30-acre cemetery in a secluded setting off of Alexanderana Road just west of Statesville Road in Huntersville.
A large and lovely section of land has been graciously designated and reserved for use by Temple Kol Tikvah of Lake Norman and the entire Jewish Community for Jewish burials in this quiet, multi-denominational pastoral setting.
There are no cemetery membership fees or requirements for burial, and the
highly competitive prices offered are already discounted.
NorthLake Memorial Gardens is family owned and operated by the
James Funeral Home of Lake Norman.
Northlake Memorial Gardens
10520 Arahova Drive Huntersville 704-584-9004

Hebrew Cemetery of Greater Charlotte
Hebrew Cemetery, established in 1867, was the first Jewish organization in Charlotte. It is located at the corner of Statesville Road and Woodward Avenue in uptown Charlotte.
The beautiful and serene cemetery is not governed by any one synagogue and the local area Rabbis supervise its
religious policies.
Hebrew Cemetery is an independent member-run institution, a community partner in the "Create Your Jewish Legacy" initiative led by the Foundation of the Charlotte Jewish Community and is administered by Jewish volunteers and a part-time Executive Director.

1801 Statesville Road, Charlotte, 704-576-1859